Sunday, October 2, 2011

It's been a goddamn month already

Even after a month, I still know as little as I did when I first came here. I mean...I know shit...just not like KNOW KNOW. UknowwhatImean???

Anywhore, my food goals for the next month or so (actually, life goal in general) is to eat every animal at least 9 times. I wanna eat dog to kick off this whole food challenge. I don’t really give a fug about animals and pets and your little fluffy poodle Tinkerbell so go ahead and judge me.

Bomb ass buffet at a fancy shmancy hotel in downtown. The tuna was redonk.
Waldorf salad

Noddle thing.

Desert was OK. They had dragon fruit though so I was all over that shiet!

My cousin also knows some good places to get snake (I’ve eaten this before and it was SOOOGOOD), rat, pigeon, hamster/guinea pig, cat, turtle, boar, and rabbit. Somehow I am most excited about the rat. Apparently, they have a lot of meat and it’s pretty juicy. Who would have thought? I really don’t care about diseases, because I honestly believe I have the stomach of freight train. Better to get sick now than later anyway (and it hasn’t happened yet soo!)

Rhett Butler!!!

Looks pretty much like Atlanta...including phallic shaped building in the bg

I would like to also eat some of it raw…maybe sip on the blood. Snake blood is pretty good for you. Apparently it cures cancer. It could also potentially give you cancer. I wanna be like Andrew Zimmern and eat the heart while it’s still beating.

Vietnamese people feel the need to embellish everything. What the fuck am I gonna do with that straw hat? Am I gonna wear it? I'm sure that costed me an extra 5,000 dong too (╥﹏╥)


  1. *drools all over computer*

    Meanwhile, I've been eating free pizza at work basically every day for the past two months...

  2. try every animal from the chinese zodiac, and you're good

  3. hahahaha! god i thought i was wrong, ur even worse.
