Saturday, December 3, 2011


I’m back in Da Lat for a meeting and my cousin’s 6th birthday, which is today. I bought her a Barbie set that comes with like 10 dresses, makeup, shoes, etc. Her mom refuses to let her open it because, quote, it’s “too nice” and should be kept in the packaging for display purposes. This little girl has been walking around playing with just the box.

sad but kinda funny at the same time

Da Lat is pretty but so cold! I haven’t taken a shower in 2 days because there’s no warm water. I still smell the same cuz it’s chilly but it’s kinda gross, I know.

This was a roller coaster through a forest that you can control manually. Kinda kewl.

Da Lat is famous for its beautiful and exotic flowers, most of which I've never even seen before, like this one, blue tiger claw flower.


  1. dude that manual roller coaster is straight up donkey kong shit! and those flowers look cg...fuckin insane

  2. I feel so sorry for your cousin! ><

  3. Dalat looks so different from the rest of VN. Or what I think Vn looks like anyways. Wouldn't know...

  4. It doesss. The rest of VN is pretty hot/humid and flat. Da Lat is more like Vermont.
