Monday, May 28, 2012

Miscellaneous Japan shiz

The Japanese loveee their gardens. The preservation and cultivation of a beautiful garden is considered an art. I visited the "three best gardens" of Japan, but this dry landscape garden was my favorite.

Historical villages

A moment of zen

They call this "the living picture"

OK, if I had to say one thing I don't love about Japan, it's the rice. Vietnamese rice is too thin, American rice is too thick, and Japanese rice is too sticky! My favorite kind of rice is Thai rice (which is the main rice that the US imports)'s just the rice amount of mushy-ness.

Not sure if monk or hippie...

There were deer everywhere on this one island. They were just wandering around in the park, shops, chilling by the beach, stealing people's food...

Can I get some damn customer service?!

That sure is an interesting costume.

I know I've said it a million times, but I have never seen children cuter and better behaved than Japanese ones. They never have drool and food crumbs on them like other kids do. And always so well dressed at that!

Geisha district

I can't believe I'm leaving in exactly one month. A year went by just like that.

1 comment:

  1. Man, time goes so fast.. at least in one month you get a giant bag of spicy, delicious crawfish!

    Those pics of the historical village are beaaaautilfullll! Also I lold at that deer demanding customer service. :P
