Sunday, July 1, 2012

Burma Part 2: Inle

WARNING: Picture vomit!!

On the day we went to Inle Lake in Burma, I butt raped my camera into submission. Never have I taken more pictures in one day. 2000+ images!! We only took the boat out of a few hours, so that’s literally dozens of pictures taken every minute.

The most photogenic place in the entire universe? Possibly.

I was definitely having multiple picture-gasms. I couldn't stop laughing and clicking away like a raving lunatic!

Seriously...what the fuck. Unreal!

The god they are so photogenic.

Why you no adopt, Angelina and Brad?

LOVE this picture. Put any inspirational quote on this and you've got yourself a motivational poster.

Took like a hundred pics of him doing this just to get the right shot.

Considering that any bumfuck with a decent camera considers himself a photographer nowadays, I was totally one too and went National Geographic on that ass, taking pictures of every woman, child, plant, stilt house, and boat we came across. When you combine a perfectly pristine/reflective lake surrounded 360 by lush rolling mountains, beautiful people, unique architecture, fantastic vegetation, and a gorgeous blue sky…shit don’t get much better.

I was obsessed.


You don't come across a view like this too often

Some local kids kept playing hide and seek with us amongst these stupas...damn they were so fast!

Dat reflection!

Fields of sunflowers everywhere

Come little boy, let me put you in my bag

People don't row the boats; they just do this leg thing...

Seriously, Inle Lake blew my fucking mind. There have only ever been two times traveling when I felt so overwhelmed with appreciation and got all emotional: one time in Japan underneath an array of cherry blossoms eating delicious shaved iced, and the other when we first rode out into the lake, passing these stunning inlets lined by marsh that led straight into the mountains. Holy fuck, how am I so lucky to see such things?

Women with very long necks

No idea what I was doing here...

Needless to say, pictures don’t do a place like this justice. It is a fucktillion times more beautiful in real life!